Súvisiace články: report Opeth, Burst, 19.12.2005, Roxy - Praha (CZ)
fotoreport Opeth, Burst, 19.12.2005, Roxy - Praha (CZ)
fotoreport Opeth, Akercocke, Burst, 30.11.2005, The Forum - Londýn (UK)
report The Dillinger Escape Plan, Poison The Well, Burst, Hotch Potch, Fresnel, 15.11.2004, Planet Music - Viedeň (AT)
fotoreport The Dillinger Escape Plan, Poison The Well, Burst, Hotch Potch, Fresnel, 15.11.2004, Planet Music - Viedeň (AT)
report Opeth, 30.9.2003, Arena - Viedeň (AT)
report Metalmania Festival 2003, 6.4.2003, Palác kultury a sportu - Ostrava-Vítkovice (CZ)
report Metalmania Festival 2003, 5.4.2003, Spodek - Katowice (PL)
Opeth, Burst 18.12.2005, Petőfi Csarnok - Budapešť (HUN)
Fotil: Ivin